Saturday, November 27, 2010

Being a grandpa

Story time

Being a grandpa is both challenging and wonderful. Challenging in that one needs to focus on the immediate needs of the little one you are with, in their world and in a way that they can understand. (This reminds me of our Heavenly Father and His love expressed to us in a way that we can understand.) Then, being a Grandpa is rewarding in that over time the little one becomes comfortable in our presence and can more easily accept the love we offer.

Being a Grandpa also means working with the parents of our grandchild for their good as well. Offering love which can be accepted is less easy for the life-partners of our children, than for our own children.

I look forward to each opportunity to show love and live a true life before each grandchild. I look forward to new grandchildren being added as God supplies.


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